Thursday, February 26, 2015

To post... Or not to post...

I've debated for a long, LONG time on whether or not I wanted to talk about this.

SO... Here I am, sick to my stomach, scared to death...

But it needs to happen.

This may be all over the place, so I apologize in advance.


(I'm not posting this because I want sympathy. I really don't want sympathy. I am okay. I'm a lot stronger despite what people think. I am sharing because if someone reading this is going through the same thing, feel free to talk to me. I'm here!)

I wouldn't necessarily call Kaden & myself infertile, but I would definitely say that we are struggling at having another baby. The doctors that we have talked to haven't said that its impossible for us to have kiddo #2. But, there definitely have been a few bumps in the road. It's honestly such a hard thing to go through. I can honestly say that I was the person who always said, "It will never happen to me, there is no way that it's not possible for someone to not be able to have kids." But, in reality... Infertility is a big issue. Now that we are going through it, I  hear more & more stories of people struggling. I honestly didn't realize that it could happen. Like I said, at this point I wouldn't call us infertile, but STRUGGLING would be the best way to describe it. For those of you that have been through what we are going through... A gold star from me to you. I seriously look up to you & admire you.

If you have been through infertility, you know just how freaking hard it is. It is a DANG EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER. That is the best way to describe infertility. Everyone tells you, "It happens when you stop trying" or "Don't stress, it'll happen". But, lets be honest... HOW CAN I NOT STRESS? It's on my mind constantly and every month that stupid little negative sign shows up... It's stressful and it HURTS. Also, when does a couple really stop trying? You can say "Oh we are just gonna focus on us and not really try anymore" -- Seriously? Biggest lie...EVER. Even when you say that, you know for a fact, every time you are thinking "Maybe this is our lucky day!"

I do have to give a shout out to my husband though, he's a freaking gem. I hit the jackpot meeting Kaden. With everything that has been going on, he's been nothing but 100% there for me and the strong one in our relationship. I'm not going to lie. I have been an emotional mess for awhile now. We have been trying to have baby #2 for over a year now. I didn't really let it worry me until we hit about 10-11 months of trying & still nothing. Now, it's basically consuming my life. With all the tears & the questions of "why is this happening to us" -- Kaden has been there for me every step of the way. Believe me when I say there were a ton of tears & tantrums from me. Along with the tears and tantrums, there have been crazy hormones that go with the medicine I am taking. SO... thank you, thank you, thank you to my sweet husband. I'd be absolutely lost without you & I'm blessed to have you forever. I LOVE YOU!

I am TRULY happy for you all. Seeing your pregnancy posts makes me very excited for you. I love to see all the different ideas that you come up with, in hopes that sometime in the future it'll be myself posting an announcement and that you will be excited for me. I am never ever bitter or upset with you personally. My feelings though? It's sooo hard and I definitely struggle every single time I see a pregnancy announcement. Why me? Why can't that be Kaden & I? I won't lie either. That's definitely a moment that I cry my eyes out. But, as far as being mad at you or pissed that you're pregnant... Not a chance. I am genuinely happy for you & your family. You truly deserve it. 

The only time that I get pissed about someone being pregnant is if they aren't happy about it. I truly believe that if God sends you a baby, it was meant to be. You are supposed to have that child. If you aren't supposed to have the child, maybe then God is sending you a baby to help another family. If you are pregnant, please PLEASE just be happy about it. I'm sure there are quite a few people around you (including myself) wishing that they were in your shoes. 

I know, I know! I want baby #2 just as bad as you do, I promise. So does Jaxson. I'm pretty sure Jaxson asks me on a daily basis when mommy will bring him a baby brother or sister. When you tell me "It's time" or "When are we gonna see another baby". I'm not ignoring your comments. I see them. Until now, I just haven't really wanted to talk about it or tell you that we truly are trying. We want another baby. It's just not in God's plan right now. Now, when I tell you this... I'm not upset that you want us to have another baby or that you're telling me it's time. I love so much that you guys all think we are ready for another one or that you want to see another baby Kulland. Again though, trust me when I say. ME TOO. We want baby #2.

 Okay, here's where this post gets a little deep... So, sorry in advanced if you think I am crazy. Kaden's grandma passed away a few weeks ago. What an amazing woman she was. I am so blessed to have known her for the past couple years. Grandma Shirley will seriously be missed. Anyway, a few nights after she passed away I had a dream about her. In my dream I woke up to Shirley sitting at the foot of mine & Kaden's bed. She wanted me to tell everyone that she was okay & was no longer in anymore pain. She then told me that I didn't need to worry anymore because she has my baby with her and everything will work out. Shortly after that I woke up from my dream. I know, I know. I know what you are thinking "It was just a dream" or "you sound like you're in an episode from Long Island Medium". But, seriously... After I woke up from the dream I felt so much peace. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders immediately. 

Yes, I still want baby #2 ASAP. Yes, everything that I have mentioned above is true. Struggling at having a baby is HARD. Seeing pregnancy announcements doesn't get easier. But, what I did get from "my dream" was faith. I've always had faith in the Lord that this was just a trial that Kaden & I must go through. But, after that dream... The amount of faith I had was insane. I'm still worried about the future. I mean... who wouldn't be? But, I know that whether I get pregnant orrrr we adopt. Everything will happen for a reason. I DO still have faith that I will eventually become pregnant. But as for now, we are just talking to specialists, praying daily & seeing what our next move will be. 

Like I said earlier. I don't need sympathy or for anyone to feel bad for me. The best thing to do for someone going through? Just give them a hug & let them know you are there for them.


Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Just in case you're bored.. Or need a laugh..

On the blog today:


or just need a laugh?

Here you go...

 Ahh. He must press cancel a lot with me. #MOMBRAIN

Come on parents... I'm funny, k?

 Cause you know I'll never find "Ashly" on a key chain.
But, I'm guilty... I have hope & look every time.

 Um... Guilty!

 More like 3... Definitely not 5.

 Ahh crap... Guilty, again.


 For my Husband... I'm sorry in advance babe!

 Dying right now...

 "Did they send me daughters?
When I asked for Sons."

 I just loooovee hugging your boobs or smelling your armpits.

 Oh the JOY of Facebook Fights.

Ain't that the truth. 
"Yep, you're right babe!"

Because I've watched every season & episode of Scooby Doo with Jaxson.

Alright.... I guess that's enough.


Monday, February 23, 2015

{Photo A Day} February 16-22, 2015

On The Blog Today:

Photo A Day

February 16-22, 2015


February 16, 2015
"Something I Adore"
My GORGEOUS ring. Husband did an amazing job!

February 17, 2015
The TOY ROOM. It's ALWAYS messy!

February 18, 2015
"In My Bag"
I may or may not have wayyyy too much stuff in my bag.

February 19, 2015
I wish my babe could stay this small forever.

February 20, 2015
Where I watch all my favorite shows.

February 21, 2015
"Something Red"
My water cup. Go UTES!

February 22, 2015
"Someone I LOVE"
Loooooveeee my two boys!


Monday, February 16, 2015

About my TODDLER...

On the Blog today:

My {Insane} Toddler.


Okay, if you've had a toddler before... then you will completely understand where I am coming from & either be crying because everything is soooo true (you're going through the same phase that I am going through OR you will be laughing and nodding at everything because you've experienced it and it's far enough in the past that it is NOW funny. --If you don't understand, then your child must be an Angel. If you are pregnant or have a newborn... my advice? PREPARE.

Usually everyone says that the "Terrible Two's" are the worst. Well, I am here to tell you that "Horrible Three's" are actually HORRIBLE. I don't know what happened when Jaxson turned 3. He stopped listening, the backtalk from him is INSANE & if I had a penny for every time I was physically assaulted by my child... I'd be rich.

The reason for this post today is because this past weekend, I heard some of the craziest things come out of my child's mouth & the way he acted... OH MY MERCY COW (phrase made up by my 2 year old niece).

Here's a little overview...

ME: "Jaxson, if you don't start listening to me, that corner over there has your name on it!"
JAXSON: "Or maybe you will never ever see me again & I will move out!"


ME: "Dude, would you like to go sit in timeout?"
JAXSON: "Yuuuuppp"


ME: "Jaxson. Please. PLEASE use your inside voice."
JAXSON: "My voice is all the same & if I use my inside voice, nobody can hear me!"


ME: "Jaxson, I am begging you... JUST TAKE A NAP!"
JAXSON: "Why don't you go take a nap!!"

The thing about that last one, I would love to take a scheduled nap EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

It's kind of sad but, I am at the point in life right now where I just want to be a recluse & stay home. Why you ask? Because taking my crazy 3 year old child anywhere in public I am guaranteed at least one major meltdown (possibly multiple), guaranteed screaming at whatever restaurant we are in & chasing them across every inch of the place we are in.

So... YES. Staying home & becoming a recluse sounds FABULOUS.

AND YES. When I do go to the grocery store, I am a big time push over & buy my child WHATEVER he would like, just so I can get through that half hour with no screams or tantrums.

Bath time for Jaxson at our house looks like a freakin' Tsunami just hit.

Want to know what else is AWESOME about my toddler? Thanks to him, I know every word to ALL of the Disney Junior Shows. Don't believe me?

"It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse... Come inside it's fun inside

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ROLL CALLL

Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Minnie, Pluto, Mickey"


"Yo-Ho Matey's away, there will be treasure & adventure today. Heave-Ho here we go, together as a team, Jake & the Neverland Pirates and MEEEEE"

If you don't believe me, feel free to check.

Last but certainly not least...

I found an article not too long ago that was titled "Ways that Living with a Toddler is like Prison"

I can't remember who it was written by, but it sure it the spot.

-You can't do ANYTHING without constant supervision.
-EVERY morning begins with someone screaming at you.
-You're always afraid something terrible will happen while in the shower.
-You never get to choose the movie & while it's on, you can't hear over all the yelling.
-You're always terrified of being assaulted by some kind of weapon or in my case "ANY TOY"
-Being placed in Solitary Confinement is not a punishment... It's a reward.

Yes, Jaxson keeps me on my toes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
& yes, having a toddler is a lot of work.
Some days I'll admit I want to absolutely rip my hair out.
BUT, I would never change the fact that I am a mother.
It definitely has its ups & downs.
But, I love it.
& this is just a phase.

Anyone else understand?


Sunday, February 15, 2015

{Photo A Day} February 9-15, 2015

On the Blog today:

Photo A Day

February 9-15, 2015


February 9, 2015
"Something Sweet"
Yummy Pink Cupcakes in honor of Valentine's week! 

February 10, 2015
Outside my front door. So pretty!

February 11, 2015
Cause this was my morning. Getting ready  for work. 

February 12, 2015
"On My Mind"
See you in May Supercross Las Vegas. If you know me, this is one of my favorite things EVER.

February 13, 2015
"A Friend"
One of my best friend's little girl. Love Miss Sophia!

February 14, 2015
Definition of TRUE LOVE. I absolutely love my husband's grandparents. You will be missed Grandma Shirley. 

February 15, 2015
Something as simple as what my husband did for me on Valentine's Day is what makes me the happiest. So simple, yet so amazing. 


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Travel: Costa Rica

Alright, I will admit it. 
I have COSTA RICA on my mind. 

Last year Kaden & I went on our fabulous honeymoon to Costa Rica.

If I could go back, I would...In a heart beat.

If you are ever going, I highly suggest it & here is what I suggest you do while you are there.

First things first.

  {Canopy Tour}

I absolutely ENJOYED doing the Zip lining Canopy Tour. It was such a neat experience and we were able to see SO much while on this tour. Here is where we did our Canopy tour.


{Thermal Pools}


Okay, SERIOUSLY... If you have the opportunity to go to Costa Rica (or basically anywhere with thermal pools) I highly suggest it. Kaden & I spent most of our vacation relaxing at the thermal pools. At one of the places we went too, they had 28 different thermal pools. Each pool had a different temperature ranging from 93 degrees up to 120 degrees. These thermal pools were at the base of the Volcano which meant they were heated by the volcano. SO AMAZING! Here is one of the places that we enjoyed. 


{Cano Negro Boat Tour}

This was such a fun boat tour. We went on the Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge boat tour. We were able to see so many animals & enjoy a warm water rainstorm. Our boat tour took us up to the Nicaragua boarder & back down into Costa Rica again. It was crazy to think how many Crocodiles were below us & how many monkeys, birds and iguanas were all around us. Here is the boat tour that we went on.  

{Catamaran Adventure}

I couldn't find the website to the Catamaran tour that we actually went on, but down in Costa Rica there are a lot of places that do catamaran tour. We were able to just kick back and relax as they sailed us around Manuel Antonio. We were able to hop out of the boat and swim in the deep blue sea. I am terrified of the ocean, so it took me a little bit to hop off the boat, but I am glad I finally did. The water down there was so warm & seriously SO NICE.


{Manuel Antonio Segway Tour}

Down in Manuel Antonio we went on a Segway tour around the town. It was seriously such a blast. We were able to see the different parts of the town & learn about what they did for work. On this tour we were able to try fresh sugar cane, pineapple & coconut milk. It was YUMMY. Towards the end of the tour we took the Segway's on the beach & watched the sunset. Such a fun tour.
Click here to see the company we went on a tour with.



Probably my favorite part of our whole entire honeymoon. We went Parasailing & it was BEAUTIFUL. Kaden is afraid of heights & I'm terrified of the Ocean BUT, I would recommend this to everyone. It was such a neat experience & it was so calming. We were on the beach in Manuel Antonio Park when we found the company that provided the parasailing. I can't find the company name, but I know there are a lot that provide it.


{Just RANDOM Pictures}

